Makaeda Hope is almost 3 months old (10 weeks to be exact) and just the most precious child ever. It's crazy how big she's gotten in just these past 10 weeks and it's amazing how much she's already learned to do or figured out.

She can now lift her head (although it's gotten a little difficult as of late b/c it's increased in size..haha), she's scooting along if she can get her feet together, she smiles just about everytime you say anything to her and she's started cooing and talking back to us.
She started daycare last Tuesday and she loves it. Every night when we come home from work/daycare - she will coo until she falls asleep, almost as if she has SO much to tell us about her day. Next week/weekend (Memorial Day weekend), we're traveling to NC to visit family. This will be the first time that Reggie's parents will be able to see her so it'll be really nice, then we'll visit my parents who are camping and then it's out and about through Chapel Hill visiting various friends...
Here are some latest pics of our cutie..enjoy!