This past Wednesday, October 29th, we officially toured the hospital where our little Empress, Miss Makaeda Hope, will come into this world. We ended up being 1 of 7 or 8 couples, and only 1 of 2 that are actually having a girl. The staff was extremely nice and Reggie is crossing his fingers that we end up getting a recovery room with 2 beds in it...otherwise, he may be a little cramped in their pull out sleep-chair. But what can ya do?...
Everyone and their mother has been bothering me about belly pics which I was very hesitant to share. Despite my usual "I don't give a ___" attitude, I'm quite self-conscious about my body. Especially given that I had lost about 30 pounds on Weight Watchers prior to finding out we were pregnant. In my opinion since I've been putting the weight back on, my belly has just looked like a fat belly and not so much the traditional "baby bump". However, I guess the fact that we're over half-way through the pregnancy was enough of a reason to take belly photos and share them. There's a slight "bump" above my belly button but still not showing too much...but all you interested parties will be happy to know that I now have official belly pics. I'm still planning to have my maternity shots taken but that will not be until I'm around 30 weeks so we have a little while to go...

In other news, and to my own new excitement, Reggie has agreed that we'll paint the nursery, and we've chosen our crib bedding. We're still deciding between a light/pale green and a light/pale yellow for the walls..but here's our really cute bedding from Pottery Barn Kids. Isn't it just too cute?!?
One of the most exciting things that has happened - besides finding out we were pregnant, hearing the heartbeat and seeing our little ultrasounds - is that I felt the official first kick today!!!! I've felt her inside moving around and tossing here and there like the little fluttering future Theta Butterfly she is, but today was the very first time I've been able to touch my stomach and feel her kicking/punching me. (I think it was actually a punch because of the way she's been turned.) I can't wait for Reggie to share in this excitement as I've been waiting for her to get carried away so he can feel her moving around.
The whole household has been trying to fend off a cold so send good vibes and prayers our way in the hopes that we can keep it away. I really do not want to result to medications if it's at all possible. We're also traveling to Chapel Hill this coming weekend for UNC's Homecoming and Theta Nu Xi's Alpha Alumnae Weekend. Our first baby shower will be Sunday and we can't wait to see everyone! Anywho..I believe that's all our news for now. I've added a small tracker to the bottom of the page so everyone can keep up with our progress. Until next time, here's a lovely photo of the big brother to be...just sitting there being jealous! (You know Mommy had to take a picture of him...but really only because he kept trying to get in the belly pics with me.) :)