Sunday, December 21, 2008

7 Months & Going Strong...

It's been a while since we've updated, and while it's been pretty quiet and easy-going - we have had a few updates.  We attended UNC's Homecoming festivities the weekend of November 7th.  Reggie hung with his pals (specifically Uncle Los, Auntie Kelli, TT and Kaiser's girlfriend, Sheba) while I spent most of the time with the Lovely Ladies of Theta Nu Xi (specifically Auntie Lish and Auntie Beth).  Makaeda, via Mommy's tummy, attended her first step show, UNC football game, and Theta Nu Xi events.

Auntie Lish and Auntie Beth co-hosted our first baby shower at Johnny Carino's Italian Restaurant at Southpoint in Durham on November 9th.  We had a blast and thank everyone for their thoughtful gifts...we honestly cannot wait to put all of them to use!  Here's a few photos from the event..

Makaeda's new favorite sweet - cupcakes!

Opening cards...


Auntie Lauren & Mommy-to-be

E-7, Together Again, Auntie Christin, Mommy-to-be, and Auntie Kia


Of course, since we were in Chapel Hill - Alicia, JLamb-Ward, Beth and I did some form of shopping on Franklin Street and when I saw this - I just HAD to buy it for her.  Reggie says now we need some pink and white Chucks to go with it...
We really haven't been up to much except for our regular doctor's appointments and tests.  I'll be 30 weeks on Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning and a few weeks ago, I went for my glucose test - which wasn't as bad as everyone had warned - and all results came back good.  Overall, all of my tests and checkups have been great which is such a blessing.
We went home for Thanksgiving to see the families which was so nice.  I hate that we won't be able to head home for the Christmas/New Year holiday but I'm to the point in my pregnancy where I don't want nor am I really supposed to sit in a car for 8-10 hours to NC.  
Hmmm...what else?!?  We officially decided that we'll give her 2 middle names instead of hyphenating her last name (just like her Auntie Lish) her name will officially be 
Makaeda Hope Padgett Fuller
but she'll go as Makaeda Hope Fuller.  We've started getting some of the nursery items together.  We changed our minds about painting the nursery a light yellow so now we're just trying to find the right purple/lavender in a paint with no VOC's.
  Earlier today we tackled the travel system/stroller/car seat/carrier.
In a couple of weeks, I have to start tracking fetal movements - we'll need to report them to my doctor at my next appointment.  Then on January 8th and continuing through the 29th - we will take our Childbirth Prep class each Thursday night at the excited about it!  I'm hoping they show an actual childbirth video because Reggie can't even watch them take my blood when we go in for that should be interesting to say the least!
Auntie Kerrie is hosting another baby shower for us on January 10th and I'm looking forward to it.  Other than that, there isn't too much to update on..still looking into doing my maternity photos and we'll be scheduling our next 3D/4D ultrasound soon.
It's so crazy to think that she'll be here in less than 3 months!  We're both scared to death but super excited and just cannot wait until she's actually here with us.  I believe that's all for now..we'll be updating soon I'm sure, if not sooner - then definitely after my next baby shower so I can share pics.
Until then, here's wishing you all a Happy Holidays!
Love & Blessings from The Padgett Fuller Family...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Belly Pics and Kicks...

This past Wednesday, October 29th, we officially toured the hospital where our little Empress, Miss Makaeda Hope, will come into this world.  We ended up being 1 of 7 or 8 couples, and only 1 of 2 that are actually having a girl.  The staff was extremely nice and Reggie is crossing his fingers that we end up getting a recovery room with 2 beds in it...otherwise, he may be a little cramped in their pull out sleep-chair. But what can ya do?... 

Everyone and their mother has been bothering me about belly pics which I was very hesitant to share.  Despite my usual "I don't give a ___" attitude, I'm quite self-conscious about my body.  Especially given that I had lost about 30 pounds on Weight Watchers prior to finding out we were pregnant.  In my opinion since I've been putting the weight back on, my belly has just looked like a fat belly and not so much the traditional "baby bump".  However, I guess the fact that we're over half-way through the pregnancy was enough of a reason to take belly photos and share them.  There's a slight "bump" above my belly button but still not showing too much...but all you interested parties will be happy to know that I now have official belly pics.  I'm still planning to have my maternity shots taken but that will not be until I'm around 30 weeks so we have a little while to go...

In other news, and to my own new excitement, Reggie has agreed that we'll paint the nursery, and we've chosen our crib bedding.  We're still deciding between a light/pale green and a light/pale yellow for the walls..but here's our really cute bedding from Pottery Barn Kids.  Isn't it just too cute?!?

One of the most exciting things that has happened - besides finding out we were pregnant, hearing the heartbeat and seeing our little ultrasounds - is that I felt the official first kick today!!!!  I've felt her inside moving around and tossing here and there like the little fluttering future Theta Butterfly she is, but today was the very first time I've been able to touch my stomach and feel her kicking/punching me.  (I think it was actually a punch because of the way she's been turned.)  I can't wait for Reggie to share in this excitement as I've been waiting for her to get carried away so he can feel her moving around.

The whole household has been trying to fend off a cold so send good vibes and prayers our way in the hopes that we can keep it away.  I really do not want to result to medications if it's at all possible.  We're also traveling to Chapel Hill this coming weekend for UNC's Homecoming and Theta Nu Xi's Alpha Alumnae Weekend.  Our first baby shower will be Sunday and we can't wait to see everyone!  Anywho..I believe that's all our news for now.  I've added a small tracker to the bottom of the page so everyone can keep up with our progress.  Until next time, here's a lovely photo of the big brother to be...just sitting there being jealous!  (You know Mommy had to take a picture of him...but really only because he kept trying to get in the belly pics with me.)  :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's a Girl!!!

Reggie and I are thrilled to announce that our little Guac is a girl!!!

We went to this great place (InfantSee4D) in Fairfax last night and found out that our little Guac is officially Miss Makaeda.

She still looks a bit alienish (which the tech warned us about) because she is only 21 weeks old; however, you should be able to see her little "Fuller" nose. We plan to go back between 28 and 36 weeks to get a nice 3D/4D photo of her..but in the meantime..we're just really excited to know that she is a all you folks out there that bet on "girl", you might want to start collecting your money!

Other news - we are going on our maternity tour of the hospital next more updates to come soon!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Quick Update

Well, we're officially 19 weeks along going into our 20th week after Columbus Day.  Everything is progressing nicely.  We're getting even more excited as time passes and are starting to ready the household for our soon-to-be new family member.  Kaiser is a bit upset because his crate has moved from Mommy and Daddy's bedroom to the area between the living room and dining room, and he's hating that we're having to give him "less" attention these days.  Anytime Reggie and I are on the couch and I'm getting a nice belly rub or Reggie is talking to the baby - Kaiser feels the need to come up and stick his nose in our business. :) 

We've changed our nickname for the baby..calling it different names here and there depending on what the size of the baby actually is.  We started with Peanut and moved on to Apple...then at about week 16 or 17 the baby became the size of an avocado.  Even though I suggested the name of Ava, we are now calling the baby "Guac" (for guacamole) and will most likely keep this until we find out the sex of the baby....

Speaking our last ultrasound appointment was October 1st and after over an hour in the office, we still came out with no new knowledge of whether the baby is a boy or a girl.  They did a full 45 minutes of checking the baby's organs and taking pictures, which all came out healthy as could be.  The radiologist then had me walk around for about 15 minutes in hopes of the baby uncrossing its legs.  After another 15 minutes or so...still uncrossed..what a stubborn little one we have already!  We went for an OB check up on the 6th and everything is going as expected.

I think the most exciting thing we've done besides seeing the baby is to start our registries at BabiesRUs and Target.  I had no idea how long it took to actually walk around scanning things but after 2 and a half hours in BabiesRus, we decided to finish both online.  If you'd like to take a look, you can either look them up by my name (Jessica Padgett) or Reggie's (Reggie Fuller) or the baby's estimated due date of March 4th, 2009.

Our first baby shower will be on November 9th in Chapel Hill.  We'll be traveling to UNC for Homecoming weekend so Auntie Alicia and Beth have offered to host a little get together in our honor that Sunday before our long drive back up here.

I believe that's all of our current updates.  We'll have more in the near future: hopefully the baby's sex, our Women's Center tour at INOVA Alexandria Hospital, childbirth class and infant cpr class registrations, etc....Until then, here's our newest pic of "Guac" 18 weeks and 7 oz...sucking his/her thumb :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Moving Along Nicely

Another doctor's appointment down, only a gazillion to go.

Jessica misunderstood the doctor on our last visit so we do not have an ultrasound to share nor do we have the "sex of the child" announcement to make as of yet.

The baby's heartbeat was still loud, quick and strong and despite the fact that she lost 13 pounds in the beginning from her morning (all day) sickness, Jessica was yelled at for gaining 5 pounds already!! (To my defense, I'm still technically at a negative 8 pounds!!!!)

Our next ultrasound will be on October 1st, with a follow-up doctor visit to discuss the results on October 6th...

Stay tuned until then.......

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Official Announcement

Now that the family and closest of the close have been enlightened, we are excited and pleased to announce our pregnancy!!
Reggie and I are expecting our first-born on or around March 4th, 2009!!! We cannot be more thrilled, and hope that all of you join in our excitement. Kaiser is no longer the baby, even though he would dispute that in a heartbeat. Our last doctor's appointment was August 11th and we were able to hear a very strong heartbeat. Jessica is approximately 14 weeks and just now exiting the first trimester.
Our next appointment will be on September 8th (what a birthday gift for Reggie) and we hope to have a new sonogram photo to share with all of you. Until then, here's the 9/10 week sonogram to get you by.

Love, Health and Happiness to all of you!!